

Meno-a-Kwena, Botswana

Embarking on any adventure can bring families closer together while immersing them in the wonders of the wild. Watching animals roam freely in their natural habitat, from elephants and lions to alpacas and blue-footed boobies, sparks curiosity and awe in young minds.

What we love: Meeting Maasai tribes in Kenya to see how they live and further understand their culture. Kids have the opportunity to interact with children from a totally different up-bringing. - C.H.

Our customized itineraries offer a unique opportunity to teach children about wildlife conservation, diverse ecosystems, and the importance of protecting our planet. With family-friendly lodges and guides, the adventure is tailored to all ages, ensuring a safe and thrilling journey. It’s an unforgettable experience that fosters lifelong memories and a deeper connection to nature.

Awards and Accolades

Recognized by Condé Nast Traveler Magazine from 2001-2024 
as one of the "Top Travel Specialists” in North America.